Config file location?

Ronald F. Guilmette rfg at
Wed Jun 5 17:51:41 UTC 2019

In message <20190605093524.0003d560 at ernst.home>, 
gljennjohn at wrote:

>Looks like you're right, xorg.conf doesn't seem to exist any more.

Yes, and maybe that's a good thing. 

I'll know for sure as soon as a take this disck drive with my shiny
new 12.0-RELEASE system on it and try to boot it and then run X on
it on a wole different system which has a totally different video
card.  (If X just adapts to the new video card without me having
to do anything at all, then I'll be a very happy man.)

>The other possibilty would be to use startx und put a ''xset -r''
>command into $HOME/.xinitc.  That's how I do it.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh!  THANK YOU!  I really didn't know about this, but this
is exactly what I needed.  And it even works and does what I need!

The exact syntax needed is a little difficult to infer from the
man page for xset, but this seems to be the way it is done:

   xset r rate 300 60

(It wasn't 100% clear from the man page that the keyword "rate"
has to be literally there, as shown above, in the command line.)

Thanks again.  This is WAY better than having to edit xorg.conf
files anyway.

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