libXrandr, -fPIC compiler option is off
p.cigularov at
p.cigularov at
Thu Jul 4 13:30:12 UTC 2019
Petar Cigularov schrieb am 04.07.2019 15:27
I ran into a problem when linking a software against libXrandr on a FreeBSD 12, x64. It turned out that -fPIC option, for generating position independent code is not per default turned on.
After recompile libXrandr with -fPIC everything linked fine.
I'm writing this because, libXrandr is a shared lib and as such it has to be compiled with -fPIC by default on and I think, it will be better if you change the package default settings to be always on.
Best Regards,
Petar Cigularov
BALLY WULFF Games & Entertainment GmbH, Colditzstra?e 34-36, 12099 Berlin, Postanschrift: Postfach 42 03 64, 12063 Berlin Tel.: 030-290234-500 FAX: 030-290234-700,
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Versandt am 04.07.2019 15:27 von Petar Cigularov
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