mesa-dri uses llvm60
Andreas Nilsson
andrnils at
Sat Jan 12 13:07:54 UTC 2019
On Sat, Jan 12, 2019 at 1:58 PM Robert Huff <roberthuff at> wrote:
> Gary Jennejohn writes:
> > > Is it posible to use the system compiler (7.0) on amd64?
> >
> > You could try editing Makefile.common to remove all the LLVM cruft
> > and just leave CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-llvm there.
> >
> > But some changes in Makefile may still be needed. Didn't look at
> > it that closely.
> Unfortunately, a) beyond my skill-set and b) probably take too
> much time. What I was sort of fishing for was "Is this just inertia,
> or is there a known affirmative reason it won't work?".
> (I was also sort of hoping someone for whom neither (a) or (b)
> are true would look, say "That makes no sense.", and do the work.
> Busted. :-)
> Respectfully,
> Robert Huff
As far as I know full llvm is needed ( or at least used to be ) because the
one in base is missing a few key pieces used for mesa-dri. Are you running
some very special hardware where 800Mb is a problem and where you have to
build it yourself? It is available as a package...
Best regards
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