GPU hang on ThinkPad T420 with drm-kmod on 12.0-RELEASE

Kevin Zheng kevinz5000 at
Sat Jan 5 16:29:38 UTC 2019

On 1/5/19 4:50 AM, Niclas Zeising wrote:
>> Ah! I was confused when you mentioned xf86-intel-driver earlier; I was 
>> indeed running that instead of the modesetting driver.
>> I was not aware at all of the modesetting driver... perhaps it'd be 
>> good to document somewhere, like maybe the pkg-message for drm-kmod?
> This is the default configuration, you have to explicitly install 
> xf86-inteldriver to have it on your system.

This is an installation from ages ago, pre-KMS days. When I started 
using KMS it didn't occur to me to switch out the X11 driver.

> Which kernel driver are you using?
 > uname -a
FreeBSD foxtrot 12.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE r341666 GENERIC  amd64

 > pkg info -x drm

I should be able to run from Git; if I do, are there verbose flags to 
turn on that might help shake out what the issue is?

Kevin Zheng
kevinz5000 at | kevinz at | PGP: 0xC22E1090

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