your mail

Mark Linimon linimon at
Wed May 16 17:11:25 UTC 2018

On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 05:48:31PM +0800, blubee blubeeme wrote:
> There are talented devs out there who can get the work done, they
> just need to be financing, then organized.

Ah.  Financing.  It's possible to do nearly anything with unlimited
financing.  Let me know what you line up.  I've been trying to figure
out some way to make Open Source work generate some kind of income for

What you're saying is equivalent to "first, you build the highway;
after that, driving on it is easy!"  Yeah.  The "build the highway"
part is the hard part and you've just dismissed that.

> If stating that the FreeBSD graphics stack is in a sad position is
> "shitting on people" then I'm guilty of that.

What's "shitting on people" is your attitude which, frankly, stinks.
You're treating people, who are actually doing work, very poorly.
You're dismissing their work and lecturing them.  This demotivates

In my all time on FreeBSD, posts of the form "I demand that XYZ be done,
and done my way, but I don't have the time to work on it" go absolutely
nowhere, and instead make the poster look bad.


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