current state of Intel support

Pete Wright pete at
Tue May 8 16:51:11 UTC 2018

On 05/08/2018 01:01, Zane C. B-H. wrote:
> I am curious, where are we at on 11 stable when it comes to support 
> for newer Intel chipsets? Just wondering how usable X is when it comes 
> to x5-Z8350 Cherry trail or the like.

the current state of the drm-next-kmod should be in sync with the 
linux-4.9 kernel, so if a device is supported on that revision on linux 
then chances are it will just work on drm-next.  there is work happening 
to bring the codebase up to sync with the linux-4.11 kernel as well.

the benefit of drm-next-kmod being a port is that you can benefit from 
the work being done on 12-CURRENT in 11-STABLE as they port codebase is 
the same between both of those branches I believe.


Pete Wright
pete at

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