[Bug 226511] [patch] japanese/font-ayu18 japanese/font-ayu20 japanese/font-elisa10 japanese/font-shinonome: Cannot use the font files with the latest x11-fonts/libXfont

bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org
Sun Mar 11 09:22:28 UTC 2018


            Bug ID: 226511
           Summary: [patch] japanese/font-ayu18 japanese/font-ayu20
                    japanese/font-elisa10 japanese/font-shinonome: Cannot
                    use the font files with the latest x11-fonts/libXfont
           Product: Ports & Packages
           Version: Latest
          Hardware: Any
                OS: Any
            Status: New
          Severity: Affects Some People
          Priority: ---
         Component: Individual Port(s)
          Assignee: freebsd-ports-bugs at FreeBSD.org
          Reporter: CQG00620 at nifty.ne.jp
                CC: hrs at FreeBSD.org, x11 at FreeBSD.org
                CC: hrs at FreeBSD.org, x11 at FreeBSD.org

As described in bug #225125, japanese/font-ayu18, japanese/font-ayu20,
japanese/font-elisa10 and japanese/font-shinonome has not been usable
since the latest update of x11-fonts/libXfont (CVE-2017-16611).

Because these ports installs font files as symbolic links, and the latest
x11-fonts/libXfont does not handle other than regular font files.

* How to repeat
** Without the patch
*** japanese/font-ayu18

 $ pkg info --show-name-only libXfont
 libXfont-1.5.4,2                       # > 1.5.2,2
 $ pkg install ja-font-ayu18
 $ xset fp rehash
 $ xlsfonts -fn -ayu-mincho-medium-i-normal--0-0-75-75-c-0-jisx0208.1990-0
 $ xlsfonts -ll -fn -ayu-mincho-medium-i-normal--0-0-75-75-c-0-jisx0208.1990-0
 xlsfonts:  unable to get info about font

*** japanese/font-ayu20

 $ pkg install ja-font-ayu20
 $ xset fp rehash
 $ xlsfonts -fn k20gm
 $ xlsfonts -ll -fn k20gm
 xlsfonts:  unable to get info about font "k20gm"

*** japanese/font-elisa10

 $ pkg install ja-font-elisa10
 $ xset fp rehash
 $ xlsfonts -fn elisa
 $ xlsfonts -ll -fn elisa
 xlsfonts:  unable to get info about font "elisa"

*** japanese/font-shinonome

 $ pkg install ja-font-shinonome
 $ xset fp rehash
 $ xlsfonts -fn k12min
 $ xlsfonts -ll -fn k12min
 xlsfonts:  unable to get info about font "k12min"

** With the patch
*** japanese/font-ayu18

 $ xset fp+ /usr/local/share/fonts/ayu18
 $ xlsfonts -fn -ayu-mincho-medium-i-normal--0-0-75-75-c-0-jisx0208.1990-0
 $ xlsfonts -ll -fn -ayu-mincho-medium-i-normal--0-0-75-75-c-0-jisx0208.1990-0
 name:  -ayu-mincho-medium-i-normal--0-0-75-75-c-0-jisx0208.1990-0
   direction:            left to right
   indexing:             matrix
   rows:                 0x21 thru 0x74 (33 thru 116)
   columns:              0x21 thru 0x7e (33 thru 126)
   all chars exist:      no
   default char:         0x2121 (8481)
   ascent:               10
   descent:              2
   font type:            Character Cell
   bounds:               width left  right  asc  desc   attr   keysym
         min               13    -2    15    11     3  0x03fb
         max               13    -2    15    11     3  0x03fb
   properties:           25
       FOUNDRY               ayu
       FAMILY_NAME           mincho
       WEIGHT_NAME           medium
       SLANT                 i
       SETWIDTH_NAME         normal
       PIXEL_SIZE            12
       POINT_SIZE            120
       RESOLUTION_X          75
       RESOLUTION_Y          75
       SPACING               c
       AVERAGE_WIDTH         130
       CHARSET_REGISTRY      jisx0208.1990
       CHARSET_ENCODING      0
       RAW_ASCENT            849
       RAW_DESCENT           169
       RAW_PIXEL_SIZE        1000
       RAW_POINT_SIZE        964
       RAW_AVERAGE_WIDTH     10190
       WEIGHT                10
       X_HEIGHT              -1
       RAW_X_HEIGHT          -113
       QUAD_WIDTH            13
       RAW_QUAD_WIDTH        1019


*** japanese/font-ayu20

 $ xset fp+ /usr/local/share/fonts/ayu20
 $ xlsfonts -fn k20gm
 $ xlsfonts -ll -fn k20gm
 name:  k20gm
   properties:           21
       COPYRIGHT             public domain
       FOUNDRY               Ayu
       FAMILY_NAME           Gothic
       WEIGHT_NAME           Medium
       SLANT                 R
       SETWIDTH_NAME         Normal
       PIXEL_SIZE            20
       POINT_SIZE            190
       RESOLUTION_X          75
       RESOLUTION_Y          75
       SPACING               C
       AVERAGE_WIDTH         200
       CHARSET_REGISTRY      JISX0208.1990
       CHARSET_ENCODING      0
       WEIGHT                10
       RESOLUTION            103
       X_HEIGHT              -2
       QUAD_WIDTH            20


*** japanese/font-elisa10

 $ xset fp+ /usr/local/share/fonts/elisa10
 $ xlsfonts -fn elisa
 $ xlsfonts -ll -fn elisa
 name:  elisa
   properties:           21
       FOUNDRY               Elisa
       FAMILY_NAME           Fixed
       WEIGHT_NAME           Medium
       SLANT                 R
       SETWIDTH_NAME         Normal
       PIXEL_SIZE            10
       POINT_SIZE            70
       RESOLUTION_X          75
       RESOLUTION_Y          75
       SPACING               C
       AVERAGE_WIDTH         100
       CHARSET_REGISTRY      JISX0208.1983
       CHARSET_ENCODING      0
       COPYRIGHT             Copyright 1993,1994,1995 (C) by ELISA FONT PJ all
rights eserved.
       WEIGHT                10
       RESOLUTION            103
       X_HEIGHT              0
       QUAD_WIDTH            10


*** japanese/font-elisa10

 $ xset fp+ /usr/local/share/fonts/shinonome
 $ xlsfonts -fn k12min
 $ xlsfonts -ll -fn k12min
 name:  k12min
   properties:           22
       FOUNDRY               Shinonome
       FAMILY_NAME           Mincho
       WEIGHT_NAME           Medium
       SLANT                 R
       SETWIDTH_NAME         Normal
       PIXEL_SIZE            12
       POINT_SIZE            110
       RESOLUTION_X          75
       RESOLUTION_Y          75
       SPACING               C
       AVERAGE_WIDTH         120
       CHARSET_REGISTRY      JISX0208.1990
       CHARSET_ENCODING      0
       COPYRIGHT             Public Domain
       _XMBDFED_INFO         499
       WEIGHT                10
       RESOLUTION            103
       X_HEIGHT              -1
       QUAD_WIDTH            12


* How to fix

(1) Install font files to ${FONTSDIR} instead of ${DATADIR}.
(2) Stop to make symbolic links from the font files to 
    ${PREFIX}/share/fonts/misc/, which is found in the default font path.
(3) Add pkg-message.in to display additional font path settings
    (Copied from head/japanese/k10, r397891 with typo fix).

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