Could someone see about possibly applying the patch(s) from bugzilla 216816 so arm qt5 builds can work? (includes patching

Mark Millard markmi at
Wed Sep 6 09:40:41 UTC 2017

The patches mentioned below have been in bugzilla 216816
since 2017-Feb-05 but no one has applied them. The author
of the patches reports below having a poudriere build
log showing a successful build for x11-toolkits/qt5-gui .
(My older bugzilla report 206348 was about qt5-gui

Could someone see about applying some variation of the
patches so arm builds of such things are no longer
blocked? FYI: Part of the context here is use of
-mcpu=cortex-a7 and the like.

> From: bugzilla-noreply at
> Subject: [Bug 216816] [PATCH] devel/qt5: In arch.test, use CXXFLAGS from make environment
> Date: September 6, 2017 at 1:31:47 AM PDT
> To: <markmi at>
> --- Comment #8 from Michal Meloun <mmel at> ---
> This patch affects many (if not all) of qt5 ports, so you must rebuild  all of
> them. 
> In any case, I can build qt5-gui without problem:
> -- 
> You are receiving this mail because:
> You are on the CC list for the bug.

Note: Bugzilla 206348 and 217278 are also reports of
the problem(s), noted as duplicates of the bugzilla that
has the patches at this point.

Mark Millard
markmi at

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