older required LLVM versions
Scott Bennett
bennett at sdf.org
Tue Apr 11 06:13:57 UTC 2017
As long as there is so much discussion here about reducing the
number of LLVM versions installed on a system, so as to reduce the
conflicts between those versions' libraries in the x11 and x11-*
ports, I thought I should point out that there are other ports in
the tree that force installation of LLVM versions older than 3.6.
For example, graphics/openshadinglanguage forces the installation
of the lang/clang34 and devel/llvm34 ports. Has anyone taken a
thorough look through the whole ports tree to find others like that?
Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
* Internet: bennett at sdf.org *xor* bennett at freeshell.org *
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