gfx-next update: drm-4.8-rc2 tagged in drm-next

O. Hartmann ohartman at
Sat Oct 1 22:36:17 UTC 2016

Am Tue, 27 Sep 2016 23:34:54 -0500
Scott Bennett <bennett at> schrieb:

> Andrei <az at> wrote:
> > On Tue, 27 Sep 2016 14:14:57 -0700
> > Matthew Macy <mmacy at> wrote:
> >  
> > >  ---- On Tue, 27 Sep 2016 13:49:01 -0700 abi <abi at> wrote
> > > ----   
> > >  > What's in how it called? I'd be ok with WindowsBSD name until I'm
> > >  > not forced to switch to it and developers contributing their code
> > >  > back.     
> > > 
> > > Please don't feed the trolls. His anger over my past contributions to
> > > a FreeBSD variant are indicative of someone who is either 100% troll
> > > or someone with serious identity problems. Either way, legitimizing
> > > him isn't really a sensible use of our collective time and attention.  
> >
> > So, I'm troll because you discussing your fork in FreeBSD maillist?  
>      That does it.  *Now* I'm ready to ask that "Andrei" be banned from
> this list.  If he continues such behavior on any other FreeBSD list, then
> I would ask that he be banned from all of them.  As stated in my previous
> response, I propose that he be shunned here for a period of five years to
> give him time to grow up.  Feh.
>                                   Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
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I can't see "what it did", his anger might be serious and personal, but he seems to
complain about the splitting of *BSDs and becoming what Linux today is - a mess of
distributions. In a way I can understand this, but I wouldn't look at it in a negative
way, maybe it is his way of concern.

I vote against a bann.

Kind regards,

O. Hartmann
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