nvidia chip along with skylake chip....

Arto Pekkanen isoa at kapsi.fi
Sat Mar 5 19:25:12 UTC 2016

It is not "officially Optimus", but it works better than nothing. I got 
it working just fine just by using VirtualGL and a secondary X-server 
for nVidia.

You can't even get the nVidia and Intel GPUs to transfer data without 
having drm-prime support in the kernel (which has something to do with 
nVidia <-> Intel data transfer). Linux has drm-prime, FreeBSD doesn't. 
So there.

Stefan Wendler kirjoitti 05.03.2016 19:06:
> On 03/05/16 17:38, Larry Rosenman wrote:
>> On Sat, Mar 05, 2016 at 05:32:21PM +0100, Stefan Wendler wrote:
>>> There is a PR and wiki entry for this already [1]. But I haven't 
>>> tried
>>> it out yet due to a severe lack of time on my side. Maybe you already
>>> have a solution that might help them progress?
>>> [1]https://wiki.freebsd.org/OptimusVideoSupport
>> I'm not sure this is officially Optimus :(
> I don't know another Nvidia Optimus. Or what do you mean?
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nvidia_Optimus

Arto Pekkanen

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