After upgrade to 11.0-BETA2 some characters does not display properly in a terminal

José García Juanino jjuanino at
Wed Jul 27 18:33:43 UTC 2016


After upgrade to 11.0-BETA2 from 10.3-RELEASE, I notice that my xfce
desktop does not display properly some specific characters in terminal
with latin1 enconding (I have a spanish keyboard).

More precisely, in my xterm (installed via the ordinary pkg install
xterm) the exclamation symbol pointing up (¡¡¡) is not displayed
properly, but instead the symbol code <00a1> is printed. Please take a
look the screenshot:

As you can see, when hit the ¡ key on the xterm terminal, the symbol
<00a1> appears, although you can save such character and display it
rightly by mean of cat, vim, more, less, etc. The issue is focussed
exclusively when you type the character on the terminal and you use
latin1 encoding, and it is not limited to xterm but to any other
terminal. The only workaround is to open the terminal (does not matter
which one) with UTF-8 encoding. In this case, the symbol is properly

This behaviour does not exhibit in 10.3-RELEASE.

Any comment or advice will be wellcome. Best regards.

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