After nvidia 346.96 to 367.35 upgrade, no valid display anymore

O. Hartmann ohartman at
Tue Aug 30 11:53:30 UTC 2016

On Mon, 29 Aug 2016 18:17:40 +0200
Guido Falsi <mad at> wrote:

> On 08/29/16 18:04, O. Hartmann wrote:
> >> BTW I also have another minor issue now, the text VTYs display some
> >> ascii art style garbage. It also changes if I press keys, so they do
> >> react to input.  
> > 
> > This is a well known issue (see PR
> >
> > 
> > It seems vt() is broken with the new nVidia code, which is, by the way,
> > 367.44 right now, .35 has some issues with dark screen at first Xorg init
> > (after reboot) for me on GTX960, which is gone with .44  
> I see, thanks for the info. It's a minor issue to me, so I am in no
> hurry for this to be fixed.

having a dark screen initially when using xd/Xorg may be a "minor issue for
you", it is a medium issue for others if they do not know how to fix it
(Ctrl-Alt-FX to get to a console which is black on vt() and then go back with
Alt-FX to the tty where the X is active).

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