Auto-detecting vmmouse

Thomas Hellstrom thellstrom at
Tue Aug 23 08:59:17 UTC 2016


With the advent of the devd-managed Xorg device auto-detection, the
automatic ability of loading the "vmmouse" driver instead of the "mouse"
driver isn't there anymore.

Previously, with the hal-driven detection, a utility called
"vmmouse_detect" was run and the HAL suggested xorg driver was set
accordingly depending on the result of "vmmouse_detect".

So I was planning to restore this functionality somehow and when it's
working kindly ask whoever is responsible to automatically install
xf86-video-vmware and xf86-input-vmmouse whenever xorg is installed.

Unfortunately I have trouble finding documentation that describes how to
set the xorg input driver name for a mouse device detected by devd. The
input driver name needs to be set based on the return code of the
"vmmouse_detect" utility.

Any help pointing me to a preferred way of doing this would be greatly


Thomas Hellström, VMWare

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