Update 1 was Re: clarifying the state of drm-next-3.9 and next steps

Arto Pekkanen isoa at kapsi.fi
Mon Apr 25 13:15:28 UTC 2016

Thank you very much for the notice! It is always nice to receive updates
on the situation of gfx drivers, since some people seem to be asking
about these things ... so I can just ask them to subscribe to this
mailing list ;D

I haven't been using UXA since 10.1, SNA is stable enough nowadays. The
only problem I have with SNA with 10.x is that enabling more than 2
outputs causes X.org to hang. With the updated driver from 3.8 this is
no longer an issue :P

On 24.04.2016 23:18, Matthew Macy wrote:
>  ---- On Tue, 12 Apr 2016 12:57:34 -0700 Matthew Macy <mmacy at nextbsd.org> wrote ---- 
>  > There seems to be some confusion about the state of drm-next-3.9. All the work is currently going on in jmd's fork of freebsd-base-graphics:
>  > 
>  > https://github.com/iotamudelta/freebsd-base-graphics
>  > 
>  > The emphasis has been on bringing i915 and the drm code  in dev/drm2 closer to upstream as opposed to a simple driver refresh. I'm currently implementing missing linuxkpi bits and hope to actually be testing in the next week or so. 
>  > 
>  > As of this moment there is nothing available for general consumption. I very much hope to have this phase done before code freeze. I will update the list as soon as there is anything to test. Until then, hold your horses.
>  > 
> X now runs i915kms accelerated on the 3.9 driver update. Currently *only* SNA works.
> Known issues:
>   -  UXA will fail with: "(EE) failed to create screen resources(EE)". 
>        If someone has pointer on how to diagnose other than the usual trawling 
>       through Xorg sources let me know. 
>   - The module currently leaks memory on unload.
> My general feeling is that unless you have one of the half-dozen Haswell PCIIDS that aren't support by 3.8 it probably isn't worth testing yet. I'm only sending this out to let users track its progress.
> Cheers.
> -M
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