Update 1 was Re: clarifying the state of drm-next-3.9 and next steps

Matthew Macy mmacy at nextbsd.org
Sun Apr 24 20:18:22 UTC 2016

 ---- On Tue, 12 Apr 2016 12:57:34 -0700 Matthew Macy <mmacy at nextbsd.org> wrote ---- 
 > There seems to be some confusion about the state of drm-next-3.9. All the work is currently going on in jmd's fork of freebsd-base-graphics:
 > https://github.com/iotamudelta/freebsd-base-graphics
 > The emphasis has been on bringing i915 and the drm code  in dev/drm2 closer to upstream as opposed to a simple driver refresh. I'm currently implementing missing linuxkpi bits and hope to actually be testing in the next week or so. 
 > As of this moment there is nothing available for general consumption. I very much hope to have this phase done before code freeze. I will update the list as soon as there is anything to test. Until then, hold your horses.

X now runs i915kms accelerated on the 3.9 driver update. Currently *only* SNA works.
Known issues:
  -  UXA will fail with: "(EE) failed to create screen resources(EE)". 
       If someone has pointer on how to diagnose other than the usual trawling 
      through Xorg sources let me know. 
  - The module currently leaks memory on unload.

My general feeling is that unless you have one of the half-dozen Haswell PCIIDS that aren't support by 3.8 it probably isn't worth testing yet. I'm only sending this out to let users track its progress.


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