problems when catalogue:fontpath.d/ as the default font path?

Hiroki Sato hrs at
Sun Sep 20 23:49:29 UTC 2015


 I would like "catalogue:/path" as the default font search path of
 Xorg server because it greatly simplifies ports which install font
 files.  bapt@ tried this direction in r381876 but it was partially
 reverted not to use "catalogue:" directory because of reports that
 some applications did not work with it.

 As far as I can check, using only "catalogue:" in the font path and
 putting symlinks into the directory to make the configuration be
 equivalent to before worked with no problem.  Does anyone know what
 was the problem?  What I tried are:

  1. Apply the attached patch and build&install xorg-server.

  2. Create fontpath.d directory and put symlinks into it:

     # mkdir /usr/local/etc/X11/fontpath.d
     # cd /usr/local/etc/X11/fontpath.d
     # ln -s /usr/local/share/fonts/* .

-- Hiroki
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