Success! Was: Testing the new i915 driver (HD Graphics 4400)

Arto Pekkanen isoa at
Mon Oct 19 15:47:01 UTC 2015

Ah okay. It seems that GStreamer1.x has some half-broken plugins. Well, nothing we can do about it since GStreamer1.x is no longer supported upstream.

On 19.10.2015 18:07, Juan Ramón Molina Menor wrote:
>> I am glad I was able to be of assistance :)
>> Does Vimb use multimedia/gstreamer1 or multimedia/gstreamer as codec backend?
> GStreamer1: vimb-gtk2 depends indeed on webkit-gtk2, which depends on gstreamer1-plugins, etc.
>> If it uses multimedia/gstreamer, then there's nothing you can do, since multimedia/gstreamer does NOT have VAAPI plugin. multimedia/gstreamer has only VDPAU plugin (for nVidia GPUs), but not VAAPI.
>> On the other hand, multimedia/gstreamer1 has multimedia/gstreamer1-vaapi plugin, which should enable hardware decoding.
>> So, if Vimb uses multimedia/gstreamer1, then just install multimedia/gstreamer1-vaapi package and you should get proper hardware decoding. If this does not help, then the fault is in GStreamer1 filter priorities.
> Yes, I have gstreamer1-vaapi installed, but playing quality is lower with vimb than with mpv and CPU usage higher. Oh well…
> Best regards,
> Juan

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