Success! Was: Testing the new i915 driver (HD Graphics 4400)

Arto Pekkanen isoa at
Mon Oct 19 13:58:23 UTC 2015

I am glad I was able to be of assistance :)

Does Vimb use multimedia/gstreamer1 or multimedia/gstreamer as codec backend?

If it uses multimedia/gstreamer, then there's nothing you can do, since multimedia/gstreamer does NOT have VAAPI plugin. multimedia/gstreamer has only VDPAU plugin (for nVidia GPUs), but not VAAPI.

On the otherhand, multimedia/gstreamer1 has multimedia/gstreamer1-vaapi plugin, which should enable hardware decoding. 

So, if Vimb uses multimedia/gstreamer1, then just install multimedia/gstreamer1-vaapi package and you should get proper hardware decoding. If this does not help, then the fault is in GStreamer1 filter priorities.

On 19.10.2015 16:41, Juan Ramón Molina Menor wrote:
>> Oh yeah, and one more thing that I forgot to mention.
>> Now that you have the codec backend (multimedia/ffmpeg) and player
>> (multimedia/mpv) both built with VAAPI option and the player configured
>> to use VAAPI in decoding and as output, you must also install the VAAPI
>> driver for intel GPU:
>> # pkg install libva-intel-driver
>> After this you should be able to play full HD video files with less than
>> 10% CPU usage (average 1-5% on my laptop). That's how it works on my
>> machine at least.
>> Arto Pekkanen kirjoitti 18.10.2015 16:55:
>>> To get VAAPI acceleration for video, you should do as follows:
>>> - enable the VAAPI option for ports multimedia/ffmpeg and multimedia/mpv
>>> - build and install the aforementioned ports
>>> - edit file ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf, add the following lines:
>>> vo=vaapi
>>> hwdec=vaapi
>>> - use mpv to play video files, preferably full HD
>>> The same applies to other players too.
> Hey, thanks, this is working perfectly with Haswell 4400! Low CPU, full screen, no tearing… Here is the output of mpv:
> libva info: VA-API version 0.38.0
> libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
> libva info: Trying to open /usr/local/lib/va/
> libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_0_38
> libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
> AO: [oss] 44100Hz stereo 2ch s32
> Using hardware decoding (vaapi).
> VO: [vaapi] 1280x720 vaapi
> Unfortunately, this is not working with the vimb web browser, even if when opening the same file, I have a similar output:
> libva info: VA-API version 0.38.0
> libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
> libva info: Trying to open /usr/local/lib/va/
> libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_0_38
> libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
> I’ve played for a moment with GStreamer debug levels but not found anything (and it’s over my head anyway).
> Nevertheless, thanks again!
> Best regards,
> Juan

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