Testing the new i915 driver

Ed Maste emaste at freebsd.org
Tue Oct 13 20:37:16 UTC 2015

On 13 October 2015 at 15:55, Arto Pekkanen <isoa at kapsi.fi> wrote:
> Ah, so AMT is some firmware (SMM) resident program that provides access to
> boot console?
> I do have a Thinkpad T430 so it probably includes the AMT feature, I gotta
> check the documentation and see if I can get it working.

Yeah, I'm not sure of the exact details of the implementation, but
when it's enabled it captures TCP port 16994 and amtterm on another
machine connects to the serial port AMT provides (e.g. /dev/ttyu2).

To use it I set the following in loader.conf:

It was a bit awkward to configure -- here are some notes on the steps
I had to take:

- F1 at boot to enter X220 bios and enable AMT
- Ctrl+P at boot to enter AMT configuration
- Default password is 'admin'
- New password has annoying requirements for case/numbers/punctuation
- I could not get DHCP to work; I assigned a static address separate
from the one used by the OS
- I couldn't get it to work until I enabled legacy redirection

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