[RFC] Embed the mesa version in the library/binary name

Francois Tigeot ftigeot at wolfpond.org
Sat Aug 22 14:54:54 UTC 2015

Hi Emil,

Thanks for the heads up!

Emil Velikov wrote:
> A while back I had this idea of renaming the libraries provided by
> mesa to include the actual version number. Prior to doing anything
> "crazy" I've decided to seek your feedback.
> How does this sound, do you foresee any pros/cons with the above
> proposal ? Any and all input is greatly appreciated, but please try to
> keep your replies technical and constructive.

I don't believe it will change anything for DragonFly Dports, the 
packaging decisions are made first and foremost by the upstream FreeBSD 
Mesa port maintainer (Koop Mast). I believe he's on vacation right now 
though so you won't probably get an answer before September.

> As I'm not sure how many of you follow mesa-dev, would you be OK if I
> CC you in distro related~ish topics.

Please do; even if I'm not directly concerned, I'll be happy to forward 
the information to the right persons.

Francois Tigeot

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