(redirect) Re: puzzling X11/mouse problem ....

William A. Mahaffey III wam at hiwaay.net
Sun Nov 16 14:36:21 UTC 2014

On 11/16/14 06:43, Jean-Sébastien Pédron wrote:
> On 05.11.2014 22:32, William A. Mahaffey III wrote:
>>> Could you please post the whole Xorg.0.log and the full output of "pkg
>>> info" and dmesg(8)?
>>> Can you look at /var/log/messages* if you find lines telling that your
>>> USB mouse was disconnected around the time you had the lockups?
>> Sure happy to. If the mouse were disconnected, it was *after* it went
>> out & I was trying to get it to reconnect. I *didn't* disconnect it
>> myself for any reason.
> I was thinking about failing mouse/cable (a case I had recently) where
> the mouse is disconnected accordingto dmesg(8).
> I don't see anything wrong in the files you posted.
> Do you use moused(8) (moused_enable="yes" in /etc/rc.conf)? When the
> mouse lockup happens, can you check if moused(8) is still running?

[wam at kabini1, ~, 8:22:57am] 302 % ps -aux | grep mouse
root         490   0.4  0.0  14272   1700 ??  Ss    4Nov14 6:42.15 
/usr/sbin/moused -p /dev/ums1 -t auto -I /var/run/moused.ums1.pid
root         469   0.0  0.0  14272   1700 ??  Is    4Nov14 0:00.00 
/usr/sbin/moused -p /dev/ums0 -t auto -I /var/run/moused.ums0.pid
wam        60830   0.0  0.0  16332   2024 14  S+    8:39AM 0:00.00 grep 
[wam at kabini1, ~, 8:39:28am] 303 %
[wam at kabini1, ~, 8:39:34am] 303 %
[wam at kabini1, ~, 8:39:34am] 303 %
[wam at kabini1, ~, 8:39:34am] 303 % ps -aux | grep mouse
root         469   0.0  0.0  14272   1700 ??  Is    4Nov14 0:00.00 
/usr/sbin/moused -p /dev/ums0 -t auto -I /var/run/moused.ums0.pid
root         490   0.0  0.0  14272   1700 ??  Ss    4Nov14 6:42.15 
/usr/sbin/moused -p /dev/ums1 -t auto -I /var/run/moused.ums1.pid
wam        60832   0.0  0.0  16332   2024 14  S+    8:39AM 0:00.00 grep 
[wam at kabini1, ~, 8:39:36am] 303 % uptime
  8:39AM  up 12 days,  1:20, 1 user, load averages: 0.13, 0.30, 0.42
[wam at kabini1, ~, 8:39:42am] 304 % grep -i mouse /etc/rc.conf
[wam at kabini1, ~, 8:40:07am] 305 %

The mouse in question is several years old, but sat unused for much 
(almost all) of that time, it turned out to be incompatible with the 
predecessor box/OS.


	William A. Mahaffey III


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