[CFT] switch default version of xorg on 10-STABLE

Niclas Zeising zeising at freebsd.org
Mon Mar 17 07:58:00 UTC 2014

On 03/16/14 10:04, Thomas Mueller wrote:
> Is this patch already in effect for FreeBSD-current?  Can I test there, considering I would build Xorg for current amd64 and i386 before getting to 10-stable?

The part about switching the default version of xorg is, but the patch
also contains updates to a couple of libraries and drivers, as well as
fiddling with shlibs in a couple of places, and general fixes.  You can
test that part on current, but you need to apply the patch.

> What command would one use for patching if necessary?  Would it be
> svn patch http://people.freebsd.org/~zeising/xorg-switch.10.diff ?
> from the $PORTSDIR ?

You need to download the patch first, then you can just use svn patch
/path/to/patch from the top of your ports tree.

Niclas Zeising

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