libGLES + Kde + New_XORG

Nilton Jose Rizzo rizzo at
Wed Mar 12 12:06:23 UTC 2014

Em Wed, 12 Mar 2014 08:35:49 -0300, Nilton Jose Rizzo escreveu
> > 
> >  Did you follow the instructions here to upgrade to the new Xorg:
> Yes! but I used portupgrade and not Portmaster, but it has ignored 
> some ports because it was already updated.   Now, I'm recompiling 
> all ports in sequence of list in those link
> Rizzo

  Hi again,  looking for some thinks I found in my /usr/ports/distfiles
some Mesa files:

rizzo at valfenda:~/src/Html % ls -d /usr/ports/distfiles/*Mesa*
rizzo at valfenda:~/src/Html % 

All ports using the 9.1.7 archive, why it's not use the newerst file
versio (10.0.3)?  I don't remember what's ports download it, but I have
some files .....

    GLEW Extension Info

GLEW version 1.10.0
Reporting capabilities of display :0.0, visual 0x2b
Running on a GeForce GT 520/PCIe/SSE2 from NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL version 4.4.0 NVIDIA 331.49 is supported

> > -Tom
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