KMS Report (Radeon HD 6400M/7400M Series)

Jean-Sébastien Pédron jean-sebastien.pedron at
Fri Jun 13 09:45:03 UTC 2014

On 31.05.2014 00:26, Emmanuel Vadot wrote:
>  Hello,

Hi Emmanuel!

>  On the vt side I can't get the console to work in kms mode.
>  When I load radeonkms the screen goes black and the system freeze.

If I sum up your problem, once the computer booted, if you start X,
everything works fine in X.Org. However, if you switch to a console
using Ctrl+Alt+Fx or you manually kldload radeonkms after boot, the
computer freezes. Is it correct?

When you say that it freezes, is it just a matter of display not updated
anymore? Can you reach your computer remotely?

Jean-Sébastien Pédron

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