Xorg, Radeon and KMS problems

Warren Block wblock at wonkity.com
Sun Jul 27 19:18:01 UTC 2014

On Sun, 27 Jul 2014, Da Rock wrote:

>> Setting "AutoAddDevices" to "off" is probably sufficient. And you only
>> need to rebuild xorg-server AFAIK.
> I'll give the conf option a shot. Takes a little while on my system to build, 
> and its building some big stuff atm like thunderbird and libreoffice, so next 
> day is latest I'd get it going.

It is not even necessary to rebuild xorg-server.  Just setting 
"AutoAddDevices" "Off" prevents it from using HAL.  Rebuilding it with 
the port options set to not use HAL removes that dependency.  If you use 
xfce, HAL can be removed entirely.  KDE and Gnome still depend on it, 
even when xorg-server does not.

>> Check if it is possible to disable one of the graphics chips in the BIOS.
>> That could be a last resort fix. AFAIK Xorg doen not have proper support 
>> for
>> using two graphics cards or switching beteen them.
> Not that I'm aware of - HP take away a lot of fine tweaking options in bios 
> for some stupid reason, and I went looking last time I was playing with the 
> dual card setup and HD. I'll have another peek though.
> Who's looking at the support for multiple cards in Xorg then? Is there a 
> wiki/blog or such I can follow, help out with?

It might work.  Fewer people use it now, since even low-end graphics 
cards have two or three outputs.  This is something I've been meaning to 
test, and I have one or two machines available for that.  I'll report 

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