Working combo of experimental Mesa and Xorg

Neil Schroeder gigneil at
Sat Apr 12 10:20:35 UTC 2014

Hey guys, I noted you wanted to see what confgurations worked with some of
the graphics components from Xorg experimental.    Here you go.

Only thing I really can't figure out is how to make cinnamon-screensaver
work.  Not your problem specifically, but I feel stupid for not being able
to get a damn lock screen to actually ASK FOR A PASSWORD.

I also had most if not all this same code working just without the Radeon
6450.  I needed my thunderbolt port for something other than DP, and the
Intel HD gfx wouidn't drive my 2560x1600 display from DVI or HDMI.
 Fortunately I had this radeon sitting in a box and boom ,it worked.

If there's anything else I can test for you, please let me know.

Neil Schroeder
San Francisco, CA
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