[HEADS UP] Fwd: svn commit: r328711 - in head: . Mk astro/viking cad/pdnmesh cad/repsnapper deskutils/pinot devel/xorg-macros emulators/catapult emulators/qemu-devel emulators/tme games/klavaro games/sea-defender ...

Niclas Zeising zeising at freebsd.org
Tue Oct 1 08:35:37 UTC 2013

On 10/01/13 00:16, Andrea Venturoli wrote:
> On 09/29/13 19:17, Niclas Zeising wrote:
>> I just committed an update to the MESA graphics stack (libGL, dri) and
>> various other xorg ports.  This mostly relates to people running with
>> WITH_NEW_XORG=, but be sure to check UPDATING before updating.
>> If you have any qeustions, don't hesitate to contact me or send a mail
>> to the freebsd-x11 at FreeBSD.org mailing list.
>> Regards!
> Great work!
> However, I think a little more info would be welcome by a lot of people.
> E.g.
> In my case I have a Radeon card on 9.1... so:
> _ I don't have KMS, right?

No, you don't.  You have to update to the latest 10-CURRENT for that.

> _ up to now WITH_NEW_XORG has prevented 3D hardware acceleration from
> working; is it still so with this update?

I think so.  Your best bet is to update to CURRENT.  10.0 isn't that far
off, and we are in a code freeze, so 10 is reasonably stable.

> _ any caveat?

None known, just read UPDATING.
Niclas Zeising

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