Cannot install xorg-server

Andrea Venturoli ml at
Fri Dec 27 11:43:35 UTC 2013


The box is 9.1/i386 and I have "WITH_NEW_XORG=yes" in /etc/make.conf.

"cd /usr/ports/x11-servers/xorg-server ; make install" ends with:

> pkg_create: read_plist: unknown command '@comment at owner root' (package tools out of date?)
> pkg_create: read_plist: unknown command '@comment at group wheel' (package tools out of date?)
> pkg_create: read_plist: unknown command '@comment at mode 4555' (package tools out of date?)
> pkg_create: read_plist: unknown command '@comment at owner' (package tools out of date?)
> pkg_create: read_plist: unknown command '@comment at group' (package tools out of date?)
> pkg_create: read_plist: unknown command '@comment at mode' (package tools out of date?)
> pkg_create: write_plist: unknown command type -1 (root)

What should I do?

  bye & Thanks

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