Black screen with Vesa on Dell Intel graphics amd64

Jean-Sébastien Pédron jean-sebastien.pedron at
Sat Dec 21 20:59:54 UTC 2013

On 17.12.2013 03:11, Lundberg, Johannes wrote:
> Hi


> When trying to run X I get, with Intel driver "No screens found"
> error

Could you please start X once with the Intel driver (even if it doesn't
work) and then post:
    o  the output of dmesg
    o  your Xorg.log
    o  the list of installed packages

> the screen is black and when I kill X I don't get the console back. 
> Screen remains black.

If the screen remains black when trying to use the Intel driver, this is
expected: our default console doesn't support the new kernel-side video

A new console, called Newcons, was committed to HEAD recently. It may be
part of 10.0-RELEASE, but you'll have to rebuild a kernel to enable it.

Jean-Sébastien Pédron

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