Love and Blessings

Mrs. Johanna Walther johanna.walther at
Fri Jul 27 01:15:30 UTC 2012

   Mrs. Johanna Walther is my name, a 65 years old US citize   with a multiracial heritage of an Afro-German born in Jan. 1947, su   ffering from a long time cancer of the breast, I am a missionary and I
   have   Million, Five hu   through you for the good    motherless, less privileged and also for    widows.

   My coming in contact with you is solely by the divine wil   doubt about it. Please like i told you earlier I'm a missionary wo   man from Germany but residing in Ghana for the missionary works.
   My husband was an Engineer with an oil company in Ghana, In fact it is
   too    a tragic mo   this deadly breast c   confirmed that i may not s   now is to present you as my family    million which me and my husband deposited i   want you to receive this  money and use it to help the less
   privileges, widows and orphans.

   Kindly furnish me your full name and your address also yo   number, so that I will prepare all relevant documents with the a   ssistance of our family lawyer to effect the release of the fund to

   Remain blessed.

   Yours Sincerely,
   Mrs. Johanna Walther

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