PPC DRM graphics testing

Andreas Tobler andreast-list at fgznet.ch
Sat Dec 1 16:43:56 UTC 2012

On 30.11.12 07:43, matt wrote:
> On 11/29/12 20:56, Nathan Whitehorn wrote:
>> On Thu, 29 Nov 2012, matt wrote:
>>> On 11/07/12 08:24, Andreas Tobler wrote:
>>>> On 06.11.12 09:29, matt wrote:
>>>>> On 11/05/12 21:22, Andreas Tobler wrote:
>>>>>> Hm, I can try to bring the Radeon 9200 PCI up and see how it behaves.
>>>>>> It'll take a few moments. But at least we have another config to
>>>>>> compare.
>>>>>> Oh, and one thing to note, my config works with built-in (not a
>>>>>> kernel
>>>>>> module) drm/radeondrm. Have you tried this too?
>>>>>> Kernel config:
>>>>>> # Direct Rendering modules for 3D acceleration.
>>>>>> device          drm            # DRM core module required by DRM
>>>>>> drivers
>>>>>> device          radeondrm      # ATI Radeon
>>>>>> Attached the patch to make it compile.
>>>>>> Andreas
>>>>> A good idea, but it didn't help. Backtrace was slightly different, but
>>>>> nothing decisive. exaCopyDirty() seems to be involved quite often.
>>>>> I also found 7.7 will not work, because although they left in r200,
>>>>> they
>>>>> stripped out UMS.
>>>>> So it's back to the drawing board, or at least poking at sources
>>>>> and/or
>>>>> gdb for a while :)
>>>> Just a short notice from my side. I finally managed to get the pci
>>>> radeon 9200 work, means I can startx.
>>>> I had some issues until I found out how to make Xorg recognize the pci
>>>> card which is not in the primary pci domain.
>>>> I needed this string in the xorg.conf, under the section "Device"
>>>> BusID       "PCI:1 at 1:2:0"
>>>> Important is ":domain at bus:".
>>>> Regarding drm, I get hardlocks as soon as I start glxgears or other
>>>> samples. No more info yet.
>>>> Here the render string:
>>>> ---
>>>> direct rendering: Yes
>>>> OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R200 (RV280 5961) 20090101  TCL
>>>> ---
>>>> Chipset: "ATI Radeon 9200 5961 (AGP)" (ChipID = 0x5961)
>>>> Mapped VideoRAM: 131072 kByte (128 bit DDR SDRAM)
>>>> Note, it is a PCI card, not an AGP one.
>>>> Also, I do run old Xorg (X.Org X Server 1.7.7 and the 6.14.3 ati pkg.).
>>>> I'll continue playing a bit.
>>>> Andreas
>>> I got a Apple OEM Radeon 9260 256M AGP 8x. I chopped the two resistors
>>> that allow it to work in an MDD, it worked fine for OS X.
>>> I still don't have working DRM, however glxgears actually shows the
>>> gears. One to two frames are emitted before the card crashes and loops
>>> in drmCommandNone.
>>> Turning on dev.dri.0.debug=1, I'm seeing an ioctl completing and
>>> returning '35' periodically. Not sure what a positive return value
>>> means, or what ioctl is being called (I assume it's a flush or something
>>> in drmCommandNone).
>>> So I'm starting to think it's the MDD that's the issue, but I'm not sure
>>> why. I tried adding the 2x_reset quirk in agp.ko, even though it seems
>>> unecessary and Linux has no 2x quirk for this chipset either.
>>> Doesn't U3 have hardware byteswappers or something...?
>> Thanks for doing these tests! I wanted to point out that a bug in the
>> AGP driver cannot be ruled out. It's fairly simple but never really
>> got tested until quite recently when you started looking at this and
>> drm began working.
>> -Nathan
> Puzzles are fun, and if the result is compiz on a powermac all the
> better :).
> Well, it at least works fine on the G5 agp bridge. So if it is an AGP
> issue, it's a quirk in Uninorth-2 possiby. It'd be interesting to see if
> drm was OK on pci macs. BusType "PCI" didn't fix Xorg, but I'm not sure
> that means that agp is ok?
> Jung-uk Kim had a little program to test the gart, but unfortunately
> it's heavy on the ia32 assembly.
> Some other things I have yet to try are to disable one processor and to
> swap everything to the other MDD.
> I am still trying to figure out what the meaning of drm returning 35
> over and over might be as well.

I quess I'm now in the same boat as you :) With a mac mini which has a
"agp0: <Apple UniNorth 2 AGP Bridge>" bridge.

Starting X is ok, but as soon as I launch glxgears I get a complete
freeze. Looking in some sources (lnx, drivers/char/agp) gives a hint
that there are some distinctions between uninorth revs. Although mine is
not mentioned.

Looking around.


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