Using XOrg on a FreeBSD Server

Logan Moore logan at
Tue Nov 16 06:42:58 UTC 2010

I'm looking for some advice from some of the pro's here.

I've set up FreeBSD on one of my servers, and I have a nice 24" 1920x1200
monitor plugged into it. It seems a shame to be  wasting such a decent
monitor on a simple black and white terminal, so I've been contemplating
installing XOrg on the server to get a bit of extra functionality from the
terminals. I'm not thinking KDE or Gnome... just a simple window manager
like one of the *box's or even just straight up xdm running terminals and
maybe some basic GUI tools like a text editor/file manager.

Should I be concerned about any security implications from using XOrg?
Are there any reasons why I definitely should avoid installing XOrg?

- Logan

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