[HEADS UP] Xorg 7.5 merge comming tomorrow.

Peter Jeremy peterjeremy at acm.org
Tue Jun 1 23:09:28 UTC 2010

On 2010-May-03 16:13:44 +1000, Peter Jeremy <peterjeremy at acm.org> wrote:
>On 2010-Apr-30 20:35:23 +0200, Martin Wilke <miwi at FreeBSD.org> wrote:
>>Now the facts. Xorg 7.5 is completely finished last issues
>>were fixed by fluffy@, and the exp-run was also fine, I expect
>>the merge of xorg 7.5 tomorrow evening UTC. I think the KDE
>I have upgraded my dual-screen testbox with a up-to-date 8-stable and
>ports tree and built xorg from scratch and (as I feared), it's still
>broken: There is no change from the problems I reported regarding the
>test release in mid-March.
>To re-iterate, on a RV380 with dual screens laid out side-by-side,
>moving a window into the RH screen causes corruption of both screens.
>The RH screen updating is also far slower then the LH screen (which
>seems fairly normal).

It looks like my problem was that 'Virtual' in the "Display"
SubSection of the "Screen" Section has quietly become mandatory to
support multi-monitor configurations.  With Xorg 7.4, I had no
'Virtual' size specified and everything worked as expected.  The same
configuration in Xorg 7.5 causes corruption of the display on the
second monitor, whether it is located to the right of or below the
primary monitor.

Including an appropriate 'Virtual' in each "Display" SubSection has
resolved the corruption issue.  Note that, although the config file
parser allows 'Virtual' in the "Screen" Section, it has no effect
there - this appears to be a bug in hw/xfree86/common/xf86Config.c
that was introduced in xserver 1.6.

Peter Jeremy
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