re-probing DDC/EDID

Robert Noland rnoland at
Sat May 23 14:36:29 UTC 2009

On Fri, 2009-05-22 at 15:18 -0700, perryh at wrote:
> Robert Noland <rnoland at> wrote:
> > On Thu, 2009-05-21 at 23:38 -0700, perryh at wrote:
> > > Is there any way to re-probe the monitor's DDC/EDID while the
> > > X server is running?
> ...
> > xrandr?
> That seems to return the set of resolutions probed at startup
> (i.e. those of the old monitor):

what driver are you using?  Radeon or Intel *should* detect a changed
display I think.  You really shouldn't need to set modelines anymore.
Do keep in mind that since the front buffer is created at startup time
and can't currently be re-sized on the fly that you need to set the
virtual screen size to the maximum that you intend to use or that will
be the highest mode used (and displayed by xrandr).  I suspect that is
what is happening here.


> $ xrandr -q
>    SZ:    Pixels          Physical       Refresh
>   *0   1280 x 1024   ( 342mm x 271mm )  *60  
>    1   1024 x 768    ( 342mm x 271mm )   60  
>    2    800 x 600    ( 342mm x 271mm )   60  
>    3    640 x 480    ( 342mm x 271mm )   60  
>    4   1280 x 960    ( 342mm x 271mm )   60  
>    5   1152 x 864    ( 342mm x 271mm )   75  
>    6   1152 x 768    ( 342mm x 271mm )   55  
>    7    832 x 624    ( 342mm x 271mm )   75  
>    8    700 x 525    ( 342mm x 271mm )   75   60  
>    9    640 x 512    ( 342mm x 271mm )   75   60  
>    10   576 x 432    ( 342mm x 271mm )   75  
>    11   576 x 384    ( 342mm x 271mm )   55  
>    12   512 x 384    ( 342mm x 271mm )   75   70   60  
>    13   416 x 312    ( 342mm x 271mm )   75  
>    14   400 x 300    ( 342mm x 271mm )   75   72   60   56  
>    15   320 x 240    ( 342mm x 271mm )   75   73   60  
>   Current rotation - normal
>   Current reflection - none
>   Rotations possible - normal 
>   Reflections possible - none
> If the list were for the new monitor it would include 1920x1200.
> Also, I'm looking for the whole collection of settings to include in
> at least the highest-resolution modeline for the new monitor, such
> as this entry (which was probed with the old monitor connected -- it
> works on the new one, but doesn't utilize the higher resolution that
> should now be available):
>   Modeline "1280x1024"  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync
> Based on the new monitor's manual, it should support:
>   #   resolution  H KHz  V Hz
>   1   640 x  350   31.4  70.0
>   2   720 x  400   31.4  70.0
>   3   640 x  480   31.4  59.9
>   4   640 x  480   37.5  75.0
>   5   800 x  600   35.1  56.2
>   6   800 x  600   37.8  60.3
>   7   800 x  600   46.8  75.0
>   8   832 x  624   49.7  74.5
>   9  1024 x  768   48.3  60.0
>  10  1024 x  768   56.4  70.0
>  11  1024 x  768   60.0  75.0
>  12  1152 x  864   67.5  60.0
>  13  1152 x  870   68.6  75.0
>  14  1280 x  960   60.0  60.0
>  15  1280 x 1024   63.9  60.0
>  16  1280 x 1024   79.9  75.0
>  17  1440 x  900   55.9  60.0
>  18  1680 x 1050   64.7  60.0
>  19  1600 x 1200   75.0  60.0
>  20  1920 x 1200   74.0  59.9
> but that doesn't give me the dot-clock frequencies, the 2nd-4th
> horizontal and vertical counts, nor the sync polarities.
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Robert Noland <rnoland at>
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