Whither X?
Peter Jeremy
peter at vk2pj.dyndns.org
Tue May 19 02:28:23 UTC 2009
On 2009-May-16 07:30:16 -0400, Adam K Kirchhoff <adamk at voicenet.com> wrote:
>On Sat, 16 May 2009 21:09:38 +1000
>Peter Jeremy <peterjeremy at optushome.com.au> wrote:
>> I am not saying that. I am saying that the Xorg project needs to stop
>> breaking existing functionality and unnecessarily changing existing
>> behaviour. Things like inverting the sense of "DontZap" or making the
>> default screen blank with no cursor have no benefit and just waste
>> people's time.
>That hs been discussed a number of times on various mailing lists and
But, AFAIR, not on any relevant FreeBSD lists. As someone who wants
to _use_ X11 on FreeBSD, I should not need to follow the Xorg mailing
lists to learn about what has been broken in the latest release.
There are limits to how many different mailing lists I can follow...
>> project did some regression testing though
>They do. Probably much more than you realize.
As an Xorg user, all I can say is that it doesn't show. As I have
previously said, the sort of basic problems that are showing up with
X.org 7.3 and 7.4 were not apparent with XFree86 or Xorg 6.x.
Peter Jeremy
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