mesa 7.4.3 breaks compiz

Peter Jeremy peterjeremy at
Tue Jun 23 18:56:49 UTC 2009

On 2009-Jun-23 08:25:06 -0500, Robert Noland <rnoland at> wrote:
>> Adding "--enable-glx-tls=yes" to CONFIGURE_ARGS in xorg-server appears
>> to fix this problem.  I thought I'd PR'd this but I haven't, sorry.
>Hrm, I've never actually gotten tls to work.  There were a few commits
>to the 7.4 branch yesterday... I'll try to look into this today.  It
>looks like all of the issues have been on Intel hardware, correct?

i945GME in my case.  I haven't seen that problem on my ATI systems.

Peter Jeremy
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