Xorg 7.4 breaks mga with G450

Mark Knight markk at knigma.org
Thu Jan 29 08:03:15 PST 2009

In message <R$3fWbPhHdgJFwuz at lap.knigma.org>, Mark Knight 
<markk at knigma.org> writes
>In message <1233244386.1766.1.camel at wombat.2hip.net>, Robert Noland 
><rnoland at FreeBSD.org> writes
>>Possibly, but I doubt it.  The documentation that I have seems to
>>indicate that the g400/450 are the same...  If memory serves, the 400
>>wasn't dual head, but I might be wrong about that.
>It's dual head.  From memory the G450 has a narrower bus but used DDR 
>and faster clocks speeds to try and compensate.

Sorry, I meant the G450 is dual head but as you say I think the G400 

Looking at the driver code it seems to be quite different for the G450.

Mark A. R. Knight                               finger: markk at knigma.org
Tel: +44 7880 556751                            http://www.knigma.org/

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