Repeated Xorg crashes with intel driver

PINTO Luis luis.h.pinto at
Thu Apr 23 16:31:15 UTC 2009

The crashes happens in a randomic way. Some times it takes hours, other 
times it takes days till to happen. There is no previous advice and it 
causes a strange behavior in the screen. It begins to blink and lost the 
graphic environement. After a message is showed sugesting the lost of xorg 
server conection, and I must to reboot the computer.

I am using an Intel Celeron M CPU 430 @ 1.73 GHz, with 5012 Mb.

Xorg is in the 1.4.2 version and the Xorg.0.log don't show me none about 
ERRORS, just some WARNINGS (see the attached).

Some people have reported the problem as if it would be caused by drawing 
complex geometries, but I couldn't reproduce the ERROR.

I don't wath happens and how to solve this problem. I have tryed to explain 
the problem to jcristau at the responsable by this bug on the Xorg 
Task Force, but I didn't have success.

Thanks for your help.


Assinatura Luis Henrique Terbeck Pinto Projeto iFA-RdB Direção de 
Fabricação - CVP API: OBR CVP 0 02 Telefone: +55 (41) 3380-2250 Celular: +55 
(41) 8809-9525 E-mail: luis.h.pinto at

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Noland" <rnoland at>
To: "Tom Evans" < at>
Cc: "PINTO Luis" <luis.h.pinto at>; <freebsd-x11 at>; 
"Luis Henrique Terbeck Pinto" <lhtp at>
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: Repeated Xorg crashes with intel driver

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