Alex alex at mailinglist.ahhyes.net
Wed Apr 8 05:11:19 UTC 2009

wiped the slate clean and rebuilt everything from the current ports 
snapshot. xorg and kde4 got upgraded. Funnily enough now, the problem 
has disappeared, i suspect the newer version of xorg has done the trick. 
I can now use DRI and there is no longer the trailing mess on the screen 
when a window is dragged.


Robert Noland wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-04-06 at 08:44 +1000, Alex wrote:
>> Or it could be something that is RV6xx specific? There was  another lad 
>> who posted on the list with an identical issue, but didnt have the same 
>> card. The radeonhd driver is working flawlessly except when DRI is enabled.
>> Are you testing under the same version of xorg though? Have you tested 
>> on an amd64 system with 7-stable or are you testing with current?
> All of my machines are -CURRENT, but all of the relevant fixes should be
> in -STABLE as of a couple of days ago.  Yes, I have run both amd64 and
> i386.
>> [root at desktop /usr/home/alex]# ls -l /var/db/pkg |grep xorg-ser
>> drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel  512 Feb 19 11:13 xorg-server-1.5.3_5,1
>> Could it be an xorg issue?
> Anything is possible... The inter-dependencies are wide.
> robert.
>> Robert Noland wrote:
>>> On Sun, 2009-04-05 at 15:19 +1000, Alex wrote:
>>>> Hi Robert,
>>>> Have csup'd, rebuilt world and also rebuilt the radeonhd driver from git 
>>>> just a moment ago, and still have the same issues.
>>>> Any ideas?
>>> Not really... The only thing I can think of is if it might be related to
>>> vblank and/or interrupts somehow... but I've been running the x1650 on
>>> amd64 and i386 builds today and they both work perfectly...  I'm
>>> actually wondering if it might not be a window manager issue or
>>> something at this point... 
>>> robert.
>>>> Alex.
>>>> Robert Noland wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, 2009-03-20 at 11:37 +1100, Alex wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Robert,
>>>>>> Sorry to be a pest, I realize you have plenty of other issues to contend 
>>>>>> with atm, just wondering whether you have some ideas on what may be 
>>>>>> causing the issue I am experiencing when enabling DRI? I have disabled 
>>>>>> DRI for the time being because of the trailing mess that gets left 
>>>>>> behind on the screen when I drag windows on the screen.
>>>>>> have there been any updates to the DRM code?
>>>>> Several actually... I don't know specifically if they might address your
>>>>> issue.  I was trying to look at a radeon "garbled screen" issue today
>>>>> that might be relevant...
>>>>> I am running on an x1650 right now, without issue though... So I don't
>>>>> know why the issue only effects some chips...
>>>>> robert.
>>>>>> Alex wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Robert,
>>>>>>> I am using the Radeonhd Driver from git. DRI wouldn't even work at all 
>>>>>>> until I used the git driver.
>>>>>>> The driver from git was obtained on the 12th March
>>>>>>> Robert Noland wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Sun, 2009-03-15 at 06:55 +1100, Alex wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Robert,
>>>>>>>>> Any suggestions on this? The problems occur as soon as I enable DRI. 
>>>>>>>>> xv is working, however I have the issue(s) below:
>>>>>>>> Which driver are you using and what version?  I still suggest radeonhd
>>>>>>>> from git... I did also commit an updated xf86-video-ati yesterday, that
>>>>>>>> is supposed to have support in it... You might try that.
>>>>>>>> robert.
>>>>>>>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>>>>>>>> Subject:     Re: Radeon DRIVER
>>>>>>>>> Date:     Thu, 12 Mar 2009 13:51:15 +1100
>>>>>>>>> From:     Alex <alex at mailinglist.ahhyes.net>
>>>>>>>>> To:     freebsd-x11 at freebsd.org
>>>>>>>>> References:     <20090305161651.GB1369 at lobo.ewinter.org> 
>>>>>>>>> <1236275215.1384.50.camel at widget.2hip.net> 
>>>>>>>>> <20090305180523.GA2039 at lobo.ewinter.org> 
>>>>>>>>> <20090306133119.1af6894c at ernst.jennejohn.org> 
>>>>>>>>> <1236363408.55221.16.camel at balrog.2hip.net> 
>>>>>>>>> <20090306203055.582faa02 at ernst.jennejohn.org> 
>>>>>>>>> <1236371734.1671.5.camel at balrog.2hip.net> 
>>>>>>>>> <49B3D755.2050308 at phat.za.net> 
>>>>>>>>> <1236536316.1778.22.camel at balrog.2hip.net> 
>>>>>>>>> <49B42548.3000308 at phat.za.net> <49B57ACD.5030405 at phat.za.net> 
>>>>>>>>> <1236741375.2091.32.camel at balrog.2hip.net> 
>>>>>>>>> <49B72FEC.2090909 at mailinglist.ahhyes.net> 
>>>>>>>>> <1236746127.2091.33.camel at balrog.2hip.net> 
>>>>>>>>> <49B7600A.50204 at mailinglist.ahhyes.net> 
>>>>>>>>> <49B76134.5050501 at mailinglist.ahhyes.net> 
>>>>>>>>> <49B76330.60703 at mailinglist.ahhyes.net> 
>>>>>>>>> <1236761094.1697.5.camel at balrog.2hip.net> 
>>>>>>>>> <49B7AEE7.4060704 at mailinglist.ahhyes.net> 
>>>>>>>>> <1236796811.1679.9.camel at balrog.2hip.net> 
>>>>>>>>> <49B815BF.30704 at mailinglist.ahhyes.net> 
>>>>>>>>> <49B83174.3080002 at phat.za.net> 
>>>>>>>>> <49B8709A.20809 at mailinglist.ahhyes.net> 
>>>>>>>>> <49B871CC.1070600 at mailinglist.ahhyes! .net>
>>>>>>>>> I have some weird things going on now...
>>>>>>>>> Sometimes when I drag a window, a copy of the window is left behind 
>>>>>>>>> in the previous position (background is not restored), refer to this 
>>>>>>>>> screenshot:
>>>>>>>>> http://ahhyes.net/gfxweird.jpg
>>>>>>>>> I have mozilla firefox open. I have dragged the window down but 
>>>>>>>>> there is still image data at the top where the image previously was. 
>>>>>>>>> If I close the application both images are cleared and everything 
>>>>>>>>> appears normal.
>>>>>>>>> Similar things happen in a terminal window as well. If i issue the 
>>>>>>>>> "clear" command to clear the window contents, part of the window are 
>>>>>>>>> cleared but there are still characters here and there from the 
>>>>>>>>> previous screen content.
>>>>>>>>> Any ideas?
>>>>>>>>> Alex wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks to everyone that helped!
>>>>>>>>>> Alex wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Aragon Gouveia wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Alex wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have all the above already. Build is broken.
>>>>>>>>>>>> After just getting DRI working on my RV620, I might suggest using 
>>>>>>>>>>>> the x11-drivers/xf86-video-radeonhd-devel port instead.  Seems to 
>>>>>>>>>>>> work well here, and builds without a hitch of course. :)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aragon
>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you! That gave me a vital clue. I looked at the Makefile for 
>>>>>>>>>>> that port as I could see that the configure script for the port 
>>>>>>>>>>> was finding PCIUTILS fine, but the configure script for the driver 
>>>>>>>>>>> in git wasnt. The Makefile defines some variables, and I was able 
>>>>>>>>>>> to get the driver to build by doing the following:
>>>>>>>>>>> [root at desktop ~/xf86-video-radeonhd]# export 
>>>>>>>>>>> PCIUTILS_CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include -lpci -lz"
>>>>>>>>>>> [root at desktop ~/xf86-video-radeonhd]# export 
>>>>>>>>>>> PCIUTILS_LIBS="-L/usr/local/lib"
>>>>>>>>>>> Now to install the driver and test.. I'll get back to the list 
>>>>>>>>>>> with the results.
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