radeon rs48x and rs690 drm

Matt Dawson matt at chronos.org.uk
Sat Sep 6 15:47:58 UTC 2008

On Saturday 06 September 2008 04:07:49 Robert Noland wrote:
> The linux guys seem to have stumbled onto the issue with the rs48x and
> rs690 radeons.  I'm attaching a patch that *should* get these working,
> at least as a test.  It also has one of the locking patches in it, that
> I need radeon testers before I can commit.
> If you have one of these cards, please apply this patch to -CURRENT and
> let me know, I don't have any of these cards.

I've done something probably a bit stupid, but the patch applied to 7-STABLE 
anyway and...

Perfect. I now have DRM/DRI on an Xpress 200M with apparently no problems (in 
mesa-demos anyway) so far. If you need any more details, Robert, let me know, 
but I think you have my system config already.
Matt Dawson

matt at chronos.org.uk

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