OpenGL 2 supported on ATI RV370?

Rene Ladan r.c.ladan at
Thu Nov 20 03:25:03 PST 2008

2008/11/20 Adam K Kirchhoff <adamk at>:
> On Wed, 19 Nov 2008 13:02:34 +0100
> "Rene Ladan" <r.c.ladan at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm running FreeBSD 7.1-BETA2 i386 at work. The computer has an ATI
>> RV370 (X300SE)
>> card installed. According to glxinfo, the supported OpenGL version
>> 1.3 using Mesa 7.0.3.
>> I'm using the xf86-video-ati driver, the ports are up-to-date. DRI
>> seems to work fine.
>> Is there a way to get OpenGL 2 support on this machine (using -CURRENT
>> with some patches?)
>> or should I install Linux on it so that I can use the commercial
>> FGLRX driver?
> The r300 Mesa driver supports many of the opengl 2.0 extensions, but
> not all of them. If you need complete opengl 2 support with that card,
> then fglrx is much more likely to fulfill your needs.
That would be xf86-video-ati with mesa-7.0.3 ?  That only claims to support
OpenGL 1.3.  I'm currently burning a Ubuntu 8.10 CD so that I can use the
FGLRX driver.  The port I mentioned yesterday isn't recognized by (modern
versions of)


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