i915 DRI broken after upgrade to 7.0-Release
Oliver Fromme
olli at lurza.secnetix.de
Wed Mar 5 18:22:37 UTC 2008
Tom Evans wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-03-05 at 18:15 +0100, Oliver Fromme wrote:
> > My config is a lot simpler. I don't have dual-screen,
> > and I don't use a virtual screen (my window manager
> > already provides unlimited virtual desktops, which I
> > think is more convenient than xorg's virtual screens).
> > My resolution is 1400 x 1050. It did work fine with
> > pretty much the same configuration before the update.
> The advantage for me is that Virtual describes the total addressable
> screen area. My laptop screen is 1400x1050, so this is all that is
> configured in xorg. But by setting a larger Virtual, I can plug an
> external monitor or projector into the VGA port, and enable it without
I don't need an external monitor or anything, I only need
DRI working. It _did_ work before the update, so this
must be a regression case.
> > I've compared your config with mine, but I don't see
> > any significant difference. It still doesn't work.
> > I tried various bit depths, but it only changes the
> > number in the error message, now it is 0x7d:
> >
> > libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x7d
> >
> > which is, according to xdpyinfo:
> >
> > visual id: 0x7d
> > class: TrueColor
> > depth: 32 planes
> > available colormap entries: 256 per subfield
> > red, green, blue masks: 0xff0000, 0xff00, 0xff
> > significant bits in color specification: 8 bits
> >
> Yes, I also get this.
The same warning? Then DRI doesn't work for you either.
Is there _anybody_ who has DRI working on RELENG_7 with
the intel driver and i915 graphics hardware?
I'm really starting to regret I updated this machine at all.
Another case of "never change a running system". :-(
> I've not noticed any problems related to this
> warning, and I also have seen this for my nvidia based linux box. I just
> assumed it is informational, and wouldn't cause any major problems (I
> may well be wrong :)
Well, the problem is that 3D acceleration via DRI does not
work anymore. libGL falls back to software rendering,
which is too slow for a critical piece of software that
I need to use on this machine (no, not a screensaver or
1st person shooter).
Best regards
Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing b. M.
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