xorg 7.3 font rendering problem

Jaap Boender jaapb at kerguelen.org
Tue Sep 25 05:21:50 PDT 2007

Hello list,

I've just upgraded to xorg 7.3 and after the obligatory rewriting of the 
config file it all seems to work pretty well, except for one problem: font 
rendering. In all X applications, the fonts don't render well; it looks as if 
the text is moved to the right of where it should be and the space left over 
filled with the text cut off on the right. I've added a small snapshot to 
clarify (the first filename, for example, should be CHANGES_AND_HINTS.TXT).

Strangely enough, as you can see by the window title, anti-aliased fonts are 
not affected.

I tried a portupgrade -fR xorg, but that didn't help. I'm using FreeBSD 
6.2-STABLE (kernel & userland of August 20) on an i386 architecture.

Does anyone have any idea what is going on?


  Jaap Boender

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