Radeon 9600 SE and xorg 7.3 => system crash

alvest at earthlink.net alvest at earthlink.net
Mon Sep 24 17:08:26 PDT 2007

Palle Girgensohn wrote:
> --On måndag, måndag 24 sep 2007 06.39.41 -0400 Adam K Kirchhoff 
> <adamk at voicenet.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, 2007-09-24 at 12:23 +0200, Palle Girgensohn wrote:
>>> Attached is the output of the Xorg.0.log, traced from a different
>>> console  (the /var/log/Xorg.0.log file is not synced before the crash,
>>> so I can't  look at it afterwards), and from the startx command.
>>> Can the row
>>> -- 
>>> (WW) RADEON: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:3:0:1)
>>> found --
>>> indicate something troublesome?
>> No, that's perfectly normal for radeon cards with two (or more) vga/dvi
>> ports.
> OK, thanks. So what on earth is happening here? I removed practically 
> everything from the config file, it still crashes the entire system 
> every time I start it. This is Unix, right, it should crash... :)=
> /Palle

I'm not experiencing crashes with driver version 1.93 and direct 
rendering turned on - just flaky shutdowns, with my radeon onboard "9100 
IGP (A5) 5834".  By flaky, I mean no video output at all when logging 
off my xdm session.  CTL-ALT-DEL is the only path I have found from 
there to a fsck-free reboot...

Still, I decided to go backwards to version 1.92 of the driver 
(x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati of course), which didn't turn off my video 
output.  I was able to install it just now, thanks to reading diffs at 


Albert Vest, al vest at earth link dot net

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