Xorg 7.3 xdm reads worng configuration files

Christoph Moench-Tegeder cmt at burggraben.net
Fri Sep 14 08:18:34 PDT 2007

Hi all,

after upgrading Xorg to version 7.3 xdm failed to start. A short truss
revealed that xdm reads its config files in /usr/local/share/examples/xdm/
instead of (as expected and done in 7.2) /usr/local/lib/X11/xdm/.
Obviously, x11/xdm/Makefile adds "--with-xdmconfigdir=${EXAMPLESDIR}
--with-xdmscriptdir=${EXAMPLESDIR}" to CONFIGURE_ARGS, which does not
only control the location of the included examples but also the paths
where xdm looks for its configuration.
I guess this was missed in testing because in these days nobody changes
his xdm config :)


Spare Space

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