Problems installing wxgtk2.6

Jose Antonio Galache jgalache at
Wed Nov 28 10:56:55 PST 2007

Hi all,

I'm trying to install the wxgtk in my machine (FreeBSD 6.2), but after installing all wxgtk26 ports and trying the compilation of a simple code through the command

#g++ hworld.cpp 'wx-config --libs' 'wx-config --cxxflags' -o hworld ,

I get the following errors:
    - wx-config. Command not found. After googling a bit, theoretically the wx-config should be installed, verifying the version through the command #wx-config --version, but it is not installed at all. I have observed that in the files folder (within the wxgtk26 folder) there is a file.¿Should I run this patch in order to install wx-config or is there another better way to install it?.
    - Header files are not found. This goes with the fact that the path for '#include files' is not well specified. ¿Does it exist any way to set the right path (the one where wxgtk is installed) do that the '#include files' are found?. I have modified the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and run ldconfig, but it hasn't worked.

I installed first wxgtk2.8, but as there is no patch for wx-config within wxgtk28, I decide to uninstall it and install version 2.6. 

Thanks a lot in advance for your help.


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