xorg7.2 update

Alexander freebsd at nagilum.org
Thu May 31 06:07:59 UTC 2007


I think in /usr/ports/UPDATING there is one important thing missing  
regarding the xorg upgrade. After the upgrade one should add:


to "/etc/rc.conf" because otherwise all local packages will be started twice.
"/usr/src/etc/defaults/rc.conf" should probably be changed to include  
"/usr/local/etc/rc.d" only now.
Kind regards,

#    _  __          _ __     http://www.nagilum.org/ \n icq://69646724 #
#   / |/ /__ ____ _(_) /_ ____ _  nagilum at nagilum.org \n +491776461165 #
#  /    / _ `/ _ `/ / / // /  ' \  Amiga (68k/PPC): AOS/NetBSD/Linux   #
# /_/|_/\_,_/\_, /_/_/\_,_/_/_/_/  Mac (PPC): MacOS-X / Linux / MacOS9 #
#           /___/     x86: FreeBSD/Linux/Solaris/Win2k  ARM9: EPOC EV6 #

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