xorg 7.2 with FreeBSD 6.2 on T41 keyboard failure

Doug Barton dougb at FreeBSD.org
Fri May 25 21:54:32 UTC 2007

Dejan Lesjak wrote:
> On Friday 25 May 2007 23:21:32 Doug Barton wrote:
>> Ying-Chieh Liao wrote:
>>> ok, I got this fixed by defining a env var
>>> XKEYSYMDB=/usr/local/share/X11/XKeysymDB
>>> everything goes well now
>> D'oh, should have read further in the thread, sorry. This solution
>> works for me if I set the environment variable in the shell before
>> typing 'startx', but doesn't work if I just put it in my xinitrc file.
>> Weird.
>> Anyone on the x11 team want to comment on this one?
> Well...
> With modular ports we install some files in /usr/local/share/X11 and some 
> in /usr/local/lib/X11. In this particular case, the server expects them to be 
> in /usr/local/lib/X11. I'm not decided on whether we should move all in lib 
> or modify default search path in server. Having them in lib mirrors previous 
> location in /usr/X11R6 (where also mergebase script will move any custom 
> app-defaults for example), but having such files in share feels a bit more 
> intuitive...

Interestingly we seem to face the opposite problem with the rgb file.

My vote would be to put everything where the existing code expects it 
to be by default. But I'm not doing the work, so feel free to ignore 
me. :)



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