Bug in Beryl port?

Pierre-Luc Drouin pldrouin at pldrouin.net
Wed May 23 13:27:29 UTC 2007

I have also tried to completely delete the beryl config files "rm -r 
~/.beryl*" and reconfigure all the settings, but it did not fix it...

Olivier Smedts wrote:
> Hi,
> ----- "Pierre-Luc Drouin" <pldrouin at pldrouin.net> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It looks like that Beryl does not save focus and keybinding settings
>> properly or at least does not load them correctly. If I uncheck "Click
>> To Focus" and "Auto-Raise", this works for a while, but it stops
>> working
>> after beryl-manager is reloaded of the X sessions is restarted. If I
>> look at the settings, the two checkboxes are unchecked. I have to
>> check
>> the boxes and them uncheck them again to get back the right focus
>> behaviour.
> It works for me without problems. What do you have in your ~/.beryl/settings ?
> For the focus settings, I've got :
> a_click_to_focus=false
> a_autoraise=false
> a_raise_on_click=true
> Olivier
>> Now the keybinding. I am mapping the "Windows" key of my keyboard to
>> Super_L using the xmodmap command "keycode 115 = Super_L" that is
>> loaded
>> by my .xinitc script before the window manager. I have tested this
>> mapping many times with xev and with keybinding in Xfce and it works
>> fine. If I try to use this key for keybinding in Beryl, this works the
>> first time, but again it stops working when I reload beryl-manager or
>> when I restart X. To get it working again, I have to set the
>> keybindings
>> to something else and than set it back to what I want.
>> I use the exact same focus and keybinding settings on my Linux
>> partition
>> and I did not experienced these problems...
>> Thanks!
>> Pierre-Luc Drouin
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